Category Archives: commercial/event


Happy Sunday tomorrow! Mine will be — especially if I can manage a pleasant drive to drink in what’s left of the leaves. It’s been a busy week!

I took these images for my former church to use in their bulletin.


Fashion Fights Ovarian Cancer

The Sandy Rollman Ovarian Cancer Foundation serves women diagnosed with ovarian cancer. They also raise awareness about the disease and fund research for early detection, better treatment and a cure. Last week, they hosted a beautiful dinner, silent auction and fashion show “to celebrate the lives of those who’ve conquered cancer.” The 9th annual gala, held in the center of Liberty Place in Philadelphia, was heartwarming. I photographed the event, assisted by Sara Zimmerman. Here are some highlights:


Below are founders Adriana Way and Robin Cohen – a truly amazing team!

Founders Andrianna Way and Robin Cohen

A small sampling of the items up for auction

auction items

Lauren Hart, the MC for the evening

Lauren Hart

First are the founders.  Next, the remarkable Missy Dougherty who was honored with the Spirit of Survivorship Award. Below on the left are Pat and Laura Carlino; on the right, Dr. George Coukos received the Angela Carlino Excellence in Ovarian Cancer Research/Care Award. These are all very inspiring people.



Carlino’s provided all the food for the evening. It was outstanding! I can only assume they completely outdid themselves. Not only was it delicious, but the abundance and the variety, as well as their attention to detail, showed what kind of business they run and what big hearts they have.


The Carlino Family

Carlino Family

Lauren Hart with designer Pamela Dennis, who created the fashions in the show as well as the official Ovarian Cancer T-Shirt.

Lauren Hart and Pamela Dennis

This couture gown was the actual dress worn by Blake Lively of the WB show, Gossip Girl.  It was given away by raffle at the end of the night.


Fashion Show by Pamela Dennis

fashion show

fashion show



The Untouchables

Very fun band!

Hearing this impromptu duet was treat!

Lauren Hart sings

So ended a lovely night.

Tri State Martial Arts Academy

Skill, discipline and character.  TSMAA has it all, not to mention a lot of FUN.  Here are some images from the studio…


tsmaa group